Chapter 1 Resources

Chapter 1 Slides pdf (6 slides per page)

Chapter 1 Slides

A few extra slides on Precision & Accuracy

Chapter 1 Practice Questions

New practice questions for Chapter 1

Example Quiz (with solutions) on Ch. 1

Excel file to experiment with accuracy and precision

Handout:  How to round off numbers

Online practice pages below are from Cal State Dominguez Hills:
-- Don't submit answers or email the authors of the pages
-- Just use the "New Number" or "New Problem" and "Check Answser" buttons

Practice: Converting Densities

Practice: Converting Distance

Practice: Converting Mass

Practice: Converting Volumes

Practice: Density, Mass, and Volume

Practice: Density "word problems"

Density Unit Converter

Dimensional Analysis (Video)

Unit Conversions (Video)

Significant Figures (Video)

Extensive vs Intensive Properties (Video)

Physical vs Chemical Properties (Video)

NPR RadioLab episode on units
